Ugly Fabric For the Win

Take some ugly fabric and see what happens. Those were the only instructions I gave myself and the folks gathered in that Playdate.

I chose a bit of brown fabric that has teal and rust and gold leaves on it. I'm not entirely sure where it came from or why I've held on to it. There it was though, calling out to me when I went searching for ugly fabric in my stash. Now, I know, that beauty (or ugly) is in the eye of the beholder. Someone else probably loves this fabric. It has sat in my stash for years and years and never been used because I don't like it. So when challenging folks to find an ugly fabric and play with it I did the same.

Initially I chose the maple leaf block because the ugly fabric inspiration was a fall cliche. (The initial block is the one in the center of the quilt top.)

Then I went all in. I paired it with a fabric I like, albeit an obnoxious one. Without this challenge I likely never would have put them together. Well then I liked them so much I was inspired to make more, related blocks and 24 days later I had a quilt top! All other fabrics came from my stash because they coordinated with the initial block. Not your typical fall quilt, but since when do I do anything typically?


Quilters' Playcation Adventure Sewalong 2023 - Month 7 Prints


Stitching the Nile, and Elsewhere