Looking for a Good Quilt Finish or Just a Step Forward?
Let the record show, I was in the mood to finish quilts.
Frankly, like a lot of us, I love to start a quilt. The rush of a new pile of fabric and a cool idea is palpable sometimes. I generally lean in to those desires, even if it takes me years to eventually finish those quilts. As a process oriented person the finish is at the bottom of my list of priorities more often than not. But lately? Lately, I want to finish things. I'm in a mood to cross things off the list, clear some physical and mental space, and sit with my hand stitching on the binding.
What if you aren't always in the mood for a finish? Here are four tips for moving through your quilts under construction.
Unless you have a deadline like a pending birth or contractual obligation, no one is forcing you to finish a project. There is no rotary cutter perched over your finger until the last stitch goes into the binding. So relax.
Let Go
Enjoy the parts you enjoy and find a way to get the rest of it done. The best managers know their strengths and hire people to round out their skills, do the same thing with your quilting.
Set Goals
Goals are meant to keep us focused and push us to meet them. They work because they keep us on track and heighten the sense of accomplishment when reached.
Make It Public
As soon as you share the commitment to finish something public the more likely you are to follow through. Stand up and be accounted with your local guild, a quilt buddy, social media, or even your spouse.