Adventure Sewalong Week 8 - Ready for Binding

Full confession: I did not listen to the group.

In last week's question I wondered whether I should add some hand stitched elements. Based on a suggestion that came while on Instagram Live the top idea was clearly for a car element in the border of the quilt. While a few people suggested I wait until I finished the machine quilting the overwhelming majority voted in favour of this.

So I finished the machine quilting last night and got the needle and thread out for hand quilting. Yeah, it's not going to look good. More accurately, it will make it busy yet not be that effective as a design. I made the executive decisions and called it done with just the machine quilting.

Now we are on to the binding decision. Option A is to use a classic black and white. Option B calls for each side of the quilt to be a different colour: pink, yellow. green, and blue. This time I promise to listen to the group.


Adventure Sewalong Final Reveal


Adventure Sewalong Week 7 - Quilting Stitches