A Reminder to myself to PLAY More
As is usual, I got caught up in work and family and felt all the energy draining. It was time to play!
It might seem silly, that I don't remember to play when I pretty much preach it constantly. But life and work get in the way just as much for me as it does for everyone else. We had Covid in the house, then some online school, a bout of strep throat, ballet costume sewing, and teenage drama. I was quite done in.
Then, when health returned, the costume finished, and a stretch of free time ahead of me one evening I felt a bit listless. I the sewing room I decided to take my own advice rather than working any should or could. It was time to play. So I decided to start a just for me version of the Adventure Sewalong.
Playing with solid scraps because the colours are so cheery. Inspired by the blocks made by others in the sewalong. These ones aren't for promotion or testing or demo. These are the ones I make for fun. And yes, they certainly make me smile.