2022 Adventure Sewalong Block 1-3

I love it when a plan comes together. Even better when an idea turns into a plan and that turns into play!

The Adventure Sewalong was a middle of the night idea that I threw out there for all of you enjoy. I wasn't sure whether people would just watch me do it or would grab some fabric and sew. Either way, I wanted to go for it. And three weeks in it is better that I could have imagined at 2 am.

Adventurous quilters are sewing right along with me during the Instagram Live tutorials. Sometimes they are posting before I even finish! The spirit of adventure is strong! And the creativity is boundless. I absolutely love seeing the different fabric combinations and  twists on the designs. There are some very cool things happening.

(Check out the hashtags #qpadventuresewalong and #quiltersplaycation on Instagram to see what I mean.)

In the Live tutorials I try to cover questions that people ask. Questions about picking fabric and sizes and that little thing I use at the end of each seam. Thankfully Instagram lets me save and share the Lives so you can catch it at any time. 

Here we all are, playing together, sharing, and creating joy. It's the best of the Quilters' Playcation!


Naked Quilting


10 Simple Things (5) - Bury Threads When Quilting