2022 Adventure Sewalong Block 1
So I started a new thing today. Something free and fun for everyone!
Each week in 2022 I am going to offer you a free block tutorial via a live event on Instagram. That's right. Me, live on Instagram, demoing an improv block, 52 times this year. Tune in on Tuesday at 10 am Mountain, or watch the replay when it works for you. Sew right along with me or just watch and hang out.
This qualifies as an improv adventure in my books because I have no clue what it is all going to end up like! Sure, I've sketched out a couple of dozen blocks, but there is no specific plan for a quilt here. We're just going to sew and sew and sew and see what we come up with. You can make all the blocks, some, none, or even your favourite one over and over again. Then, in January 2023 we will get together and put them all together. Each quilt will be unique. Each quilt will be awesome. Each quilt will be full of fun.
In today's video, in addition to the block tutorial, there is a discussion on fabric selection. I'm making two versions of each block. No, I'm not that eager. But as the Instigator on this adventure I thought I better test each block first then I want to make one live with you. Plus, it shows how much fun you can have playing with fabric!
One block a week. One moment of guaranteed fun. Come join us on this Quilters' Playcation Adventure Sewalong.